Specific objective 1.3
To strengthen the sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and promote job creation within SMEs, also through productive investments (ERDF).
Action 1.3.8
Funded Amount: € 170'000,00
HOTEL BELMONTE - Panozzo Giuseppe & Son snc
VAT 01781680242 - CIN IT024085A1EFMALJDO
Via Fondi 15 - 36010 - Loc. Treschè Conca - Roana (VI)
Asiago plateau
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Sede Legale: Via Fondi, 15 - Treschè di Conca (VI) - Iscrizione presso Registro Imprese di Verona N. REA VI - 184539 - Capitale sociale euro € 237773,66 - P.IVA 01781680242